суббота, 13 марта 2010 г.

Are You the Twin I Like?

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Twins and More

BY: Karen H. Gros

Truth will sooner come out of error than from confusion.
~Francis Bacon

My identical twins, Ashley and Christy, never tried to confuse boys about their identities on purpose, but sometimes it just happened naturally.

When they were starting middle school, Christy found out that a boy had a crush on her. She came home from school every day with news about the boy with the hopeless crush. He would say hello in the hallway or the lunchroom every day. And whenever he saw her, he always had a big smile on his face.

Then, one day, he passed her twice in the same hall -- or so he thought. He was very confused until he learned that Christy had a twin sister! Our local schools have a school uniform policy, so the girls always had on the same clothing at school. This made identification for teachers and some friends a little difficult.

However, this did not put a dent in this boy's determination to get Christy's phone number. In fact, it became more of a mission, in spite of the difficulty in identifying Christy. From then on, whenever he would talk to one of the twins, he would say, "Hello, Christy... at least, I think you are Christy. Am I right?" Routinely, he would confirm which twin he was talking to before continuing the conversation. But as time went on, he got more confident that he could identify Christy, and he talked more freely.

Each day, we would hear a new story about the daily conversation, and it quickly became the hot topic of the day at our house. We were always treated to a comical tale, but soon we had the laugh that topped them all.

Ashley came home one day and told us that the boy who liked Christy had stopped her in the hallway to talk. He went on and on, but she just stood there and listened since she knew he thought he was speaking with Christy.

Finally, it dawned on him that perhaps he wasn't speaking to Christy after all! With a look of total horror on his face, he suddenly said, "Wait a minute, are you the one I like or not?"


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